How to reach us

Badia di Sasso

Badia di Sasso is a refuge-restaurant located within the Casentinesi Forests Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park, at a height of 750 meters above sea level. .

It is located about 18 km from Santa Sofia (Fc) and 8 km from the town of Corniolo (FC).

Going along the SP 4 Del Bidente provincial road and towards Campigna, just before the town of Corniolo, turn right and go along 7 km of unpaved road that is well passable.

At the end of the road you will reach the Badia di Sasso complex, built on the site of an ancient abbey from the 8th century AD, where you can breathe peace, tranquility and feel at one with the energies of nature.

A convenient parking area welcomes you upon arrival.

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